In-Class Quote Activity
When teaching about cases of extreme violence, we historicize the events that occurred in order to understand the big overarching picture and the roots and futures of events that occurred, but utilizing first hand accounts from target groups in teaching about genocide and mass violations of human rights are important to show what these processes look like to targets, and to allow students to better understand the impacts of mass atrocities. Analyzing first hand accounts comparatively teaches students about processes and themes of genocide so they understand both the universal and the particular, and what the motives and processes of genocide have in common to produce such violence. This is important to teaching students about how they can be involved in genocide prevention.
Assignment: Human Rights and Genocide in the News
This assignment allows students to connect learnings about human rights and genocide to current events.
Supporting Materials: Key Definitions
A list of key terms and definitions to support learning about human rights and genocide.
List of Sources and Resources
Includes links to the webpages of NGOs and other institutions, UN Conventions, reports, and other free online resources that may be useful to teachers in their classrooms, as well as links to articles that may be of interest to inform teaching about issues pertaining to genocide and human rights.