Genocide Studies International
The official journal of the International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (A Division of the Zoryan Institute)
Meet the Editors
In keeping with the objectives of the International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies, this journal is dedicated to raising knowledge and awareness among scholars, policy makers, and civil society actors by providing a forum for the critical analysis of genocide, human rights, crimes against humanity, and related mass atrocities. Genocide and other forms of mass violence are constantly evolving, and we encourage scholarly submissions that address their continually changing nature. This includes interdisciplinary and comparative work on the history, causes, impact, and aftermath of genocide and related crimes, as well as those which contextualize genocide in relation to conflict, exploitation, colonialism, racism, bigotry, sexism, oppression, and globalization. We also welcome submissions that explore the challenges and prospects for the long-term prevention of genocide, as well as those that focus on global and regional threats to human security, especially as they relate to genocide. Consequently, this peer-reviewed journal publishes articles from various disciplines including, but not limited to, history, political science, sociology, psychology, international law, criminal justice, critical race studies, religion, philosophy, literature, anthropology, forensic sciences, art history, and women's, gender, and sexuality studies.

The journal is available online and in print.

Prof. Alexander Alvarez
Northern Arizona University

Prof. Jennifer Rich
Rowan University​

Prof. Adam Muller
University of Manitoba​
Manuscript Submission Process (updated June 24th, 2021)
All submissions, reviews, and editorial work are done through the UTP online peer review management system. Submissions will only be accepted electronically as a Microsoft Word document. Please do not submit PDFs or locked documents.
If you are a new contributor to the journal or have contributed to the journal by submitting your article directly to the editor in the past, please visit https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/utp_gsi and select “Create an Account” to create a new account. You will be asked to fill in a brief contributor form. Be sure to click the “Finish” button to save your data. You will then be able to log in, using the username and password you created, and view the Author Dashboard, which is the starting point for all functions available to you as a contributor.
If you have previously used the peer review management system to contribute to the journal, please visit https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/utp_gsi and follow the prompts to log in. If you do not know your password, please select Reset Password to have the information sent to you.
After you submit your article, it will be evaluated. Based on this evaluation, you will receive one of the following responses: accept, accept with revisions, revise and resubmit, and reject.
Upon initial submission, all supporting files including figures and illustrations, tables, and images must be submitted in addition to the main file. Figures and illustrations should be submitted as separate image files (more below), not embedded in the main file. If you wish you can include a note in the file indicating where the supporting documents should appear (i.e., insert Figure 1 here). Should the article be accepted for publication, you will be required to resubmit supporting images in high resolution (if they were not provided in high resolution at initial submission).