Vahakn N. Dadrian
“In the 1970s, Vahakn N. Dadrian helped to create the field of the Comparative Study of Genocide, bringing to his work an interdisciplinary perspective that joined sociology, history and law, enriched further by his ability to draw upon half a dozen languages. He is also the foremost scholar of the Armenian Genocide, having devoted more than 30 years to research on virtually every aspect of it.
“The culmination of his work is the book published in 1995 on The History of the Armenian Genocide. It is a rare work, over 20 years in the making, that is at once fascinating to read, comprehensive in scope, and unsurpassed in the documentation of the events it describes.”
—Roger W. Smith, Professor of Government, College of William and Mary,
Williamsburg, Virginia
“Of all the conflicting and contradictory literature on the subject, including many Turkish publications denying, justifying or explaining what happened, Dadrian’s article is the most legally convincing and from other accounts, the closest to historical accuracy with such debated facts.”
—M.C. Bassiouni, Distinguished Research Professor of Law Emeritus and President Emeritus of the International Human Rights Institute, De Paul University, Chicago; President of the International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences, Siracusa, Italy; Honorary President of the International Association of Penal Law in Paris, France.
“It is interesting to note that Dadrian’s essential data relative to the [operations of the] Special Organization (Teşhkilâtı Mahsusa) stem from Turkish sources… I should like to go on record saying that Dadrian is a serious researcher, and his work to an enviable degree is anchored on documents, clearly, the end-result of years of hard work.”
—Selim Deringil, Professor of History, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul.
Vahakn N. Dadrian re-ceived his undergraduate edu-cation in Europe at the University of Berlin (mathe-matics), the University of Vienna (history) and the University of Zürich (inter-national law). He received his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago.
His academic background includes affiliations with Harvard University as a Research Fellow, the Massa-chusetts Institute of Tech-nology as a Guest Professor, and Duke University as a Visiting Professor.
In the last twenty years he has lectured extensively in French, English and German in such institutions as the Free University of Berlin and the Universities of Munich, Parma, Torino, Zürich, Uppsala, Frankfurt am Main, Cologne, Bochum, Münster, Amster-dam, Utrecht, Geneva, Brussels, UNESCO’s Paris center, and the U.N. in New York under the sponsorship of the Permanent Missions of Armenia and Rwanda. He was the keynote speaker at the centennial of the John Marshall Law School, along with the renowned legal scholar, M.C. Bassiouni.
Professor Dadrian was the first Armenian scholar invited in 1995 to the British Parl-iament, House of Commons, to deliver a lecture commem-orating the 80th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. In 1998, in a special ceremony, he was inducted into the ranks of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. At the same time, he was decorated by that republic’s president with the Khorenatzi Medal, Armenia’s highest cultural award, and in May 2009, he was honored with the Republic’s highest award, the President’s Prize of a Gold Medal.
His groundbreaking re-search has been supported by two large grants from the National Science Foundation, resulting in the publication of two separate monographs by the Yale Journal of Inter-national Law.
One of them is a legal analysis of the Armenian genocide from the perspective of international law; the other, published in 1998, examines within the same perspective the comparative aspects of the Armenian and Jewish cases of genocide.
Following a series of specifically arranged lectures in Armenia in April 2005 commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, Prof. Dadrian was declared Honorary Professor by two universities in Armenia. Additionally, he received three gold medals, one of which was presented by the Rector of Yerevan State University, and the other by the President of Yerevan’s Law School—both of them being the highest awards of these institutions.
The International Associ-ation of Genocide Scholars, during its Sixth Biennial Conference, June 4-7, 2005, bestowed on him its Lifetime Achievement Award—the first ever granted. In May 2005, he was chosen as a recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.
After serving as Professor of Sociology at the State University of New York from 1970 to 1991, Dadrian shifted his academic career to conducting research full-time on the Armenian Genocide. For several years he was engaged as Director of a large Genocide Study Project sponsored by the H.F. Guggenheim Foundation. The project’s first major achieve-ment was the publication, now in its seventh printing, of an extensive volume titled The History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus. This work has appeared in numerous languages. Another major work, German Responsibility in the Armenian Genocide: A Review of Historical Evi-dence of German Complicity, was published in 1996 and is now in its third edition. His next book, Warrant for Genocide: The Key Elements of the Turko-Armenian Conflict, appeared in 1999, the same year as Key Elements of the Turkish Denial of the Armenian Genocide. His most recent book, Judgment at Istanbul, appearing in 2011, is a massive legal and historical study of the post-WWI Turkish Military Tribunals on the Armenian Genocide.
Professor Dadrian has been Director of Genocide Re-search at the Zoryan Institute since 1999.
Presidential Awards (Republic of Armenia)
President of the Republic Prize Gold Medal (including $10,000) (President Serge Sarkisyan), May 2009.
Movses Khorenatsi Medal (President Robert Kocharian), May 1998.
Citation of Merit on the 80th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide (President Levon Ter Petrosyan), April 1995.
Medals from Academic Institutions
Kladzor University, Yerevan, Gold Medal, May 2009.
Yerevan State University, Faculty of Oriental Studies, April 2005.
National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Gold Medal, April 2005.
Kladzor University, Yerevan, Gold Medal, April 2005.
Apovian Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Gold Medal, March 2005.
Yerevan State University, Faculty of History and Political Science, Gold Medal, March 2005.
State Committee for the Commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, April 2005.
Armenian Institute of International Law and Political Science, Moscow, October 2002.
State Committee for the Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, April 1995.
Harvard University, Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations – Veritas Gold Medal, April 2001.
Medals from Civic Societies
Ellis Island Medal of Honor, Spring 2005.
U.S. Congress Medal of Esteem for Scholarship, April 2005.
Center for Russian-Armenian Initiatives Jury Award, April 1996.
Medals, Decorations, Citations from Law Schools and Lawyers
Diaspora Ministry of Armenia’s Gold Medal, December 2010.
Armenian Bar Association Hrant Dink Freedom Award. (Hand-crafted miniature replica of Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell), April 2007.
Moscow University Law School, Yerevan Branch, Gold Medal, May 2005.
John Marshall Law School, Chicago, 100th Anniversary Conference’s Lifetime Achievement Medal April 2000.
University of West Los Angeles Law School Citation, Spring 1997.
Medals from Religious Authorities
St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Medal and Encyclical from His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, March 2005.
Lifetime achievement award by the Armenian Church of America Eastern Diocese, April 2005.
Lifetime achievement award by the Armenian Church of America Western Diocese, April 2005.
St. Mesrob Mashdotz Gold Medal and Encyclical from His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, August 1999.
Primate of Nicosia Silver Medal, November 1981.
St. Lazarus, Venice, Mechitarist Congretation Medal, Summer 1979.
Vatican Cardinal Aghjanian, Special Medal, Summer 1968.
Certificates of Recognition
International Association of Genocide Scholars, Lifetime Achievement Award, June 2005.
Mantz University Certificate, Yerevan, May 2005.
Scholars Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches, 35th Anniversary, “Special Honors in Recognition of his Lifetime of Distinguished Work,” March 2005.
Fridjof Nansen Memorial Medal from the President of the National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Armenia, September 2006.
State University of New York – Geneseo, Citation for Fifteen Years of Excellent Service, October 1985.
La Associacion Interamericana de Studies Criminologicos y La Sociedad Americana de Criminilogica, November 1972.
Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy, Buenos Aires, December 1971.
Delta Tau Kappa International Social Science Honor Society, March 1969.
Honorary Titles
Professor, Kladzor University, Yerevan, April 2005.
Professor, Hratchia Adjarian University, Yerevan, Otober 1998.
Doctor of Philosophy, Armenian Philosophical Society, October 1998.
Doctor of Philosophy, National Academy of Science, Yerevan, March 1995.
Honors from Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh)
Artsakh Ministry of Education, Atayan Memorial Gold Medal, May 2000.
Artsakh State University Gold Medal, May 1999.
With Taner Akçam. Judgment at Istanbul: The Armenian Genocide Trials.
Oxford and New York: Berghahn, 2011, 363p.
With Taner Akçam. "Tehcir Ve Taktil." Divan-ı Harb-I Örfî Zabıitları: Ittihad Ve Terakki'nin Yargılanması 1919-1922.
Istanbul: Bilgi Universitesi Yayınları, 2008, 732p.
Ittifak Devletleri Kaynaklarında Ermeni Soykırımı. Toplu Makaleler 3.
[The Armenian Genocide as Documented in the Central Powers’ Sources]. Attila Tuygan, transl.
Istanbul: Belge Uluslararası Yayıncılık, 2007, 412pp.
History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus.
Providence/Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2005, 460 pp. Revised and Expanded 7th edition. Text, xxviii pp. Preface and Introduction. Extensive bibliography in Turkish, German, English, French, and Armenian. The earlier editions up to 1995 have special annotations to selected works used in the book. Subject and Name Index.
The following are translations of History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus
(in Turkish) Ermeni Soykırımı Tarihi: Balkanlardan Anadolu ve Kafkasya’ya Etnik Çatışma.
Istanbul: Belge Uluslararası Yayıncılık, 2008, 663pp.
(in Spanish) Historia del genocidio armenio.
Buenos Aires: Imago Mundi, 2007.
(in Italian) Storia Del Genocidio Armeno. Conflitti Nazionali dai Balcani al Caucaso. Alessandra Flores d’Arcais, transl. Milan: Guerini Publishing House, 2005, 491 pp. Name Index.
(in Greek) Historia Tis Armenikan Genoktonias.
Athens: Stokhastis, 2002, 685 pp.
(in French) Histoire du Génocide Arménien: Conflits Nationaux des Balkans au Caucase.
Marc Nichanian, transl. Paris: Editions Stock, 1996, 682 pp. Text, 19 pp. Bibliography, Subject and Name Index.
Russian translation and publication in Moscow in progress.
Türk Kaynaklarında Ermeni Soykırımı. Toplu Makaleler 2.
[The Armenian Genocide in Turkish Sources.] (Collection of Dadrian’s Articles.) Attila Tuygan, transl. Istanbul: Belge Publishers, 2005, 384 pp.
Ermeni Soykırımında Kurumsal Roller. Toplu Makaleler 1.
[The Role of Institutions in the Armenian Genocide.] (Collection of Dadrian’s Articles). Attila Tuygan, transl. Istanbul: Belge Publishers, 2004, 329 pp.
Warrant for Genocide: Key Elements of Turko-Armenian Conflict,
3rd edition. New Brunswick, NJ/London: Transaction Publishers, 2003, 214 pp. Subject and Name Index.
The Key Elements in the Turkish Denial of the Armenian Genocide: A Case Study of Distortion and Falsification.
Cambridge, MA and Toronto: Zoryan Institute, 1999, 92 pp.
The following are translations of The Key Elements in the Turkish Denial of the Armenian Genocide
(in Bulgarian) Kliuchovi elementi v tourskoto otrichane ng Armenskiya Genotzid: izsledvaneh na chasten slouchai na izopachavane i Falshificatzia.
Bohos K. Mesrob, transl. Bourgas: Hayer, 2005, 68 pp.
(in Armenian)The Key Elements in the Turkish Denial of the Armenian Genocide: A Case Study of Distortion and Falsification.
Yerevan: Zoryan Institute, 2005.
(in Turkish) Türklerin Ermeni Soykırımını Inkârında Anahtar Unsurlar.
Attila Tuygan, transl. In Türk Kaynaklarında Ermeni Sokırımı. Toplu Makaleler 2, cited on pg. 1, Ch. 4, pp.183-235. Istanbul: Belge Publishers, 2005.
(in Spanish) Los Elementos Clave en el Negacionismo del Genocidio Armenio.
Ed. Karsaclian, transl. Buenos Aires: Fundacion Armenia, 2002, 79 pp.
The Ottoman Empire: A Troubled Legacy. Views, Comments, and Judgments by Noted Experts Worldwide.
Compiled for the Association of Genocide Scholars. Second revised and expanded edition. Cambridge, MA and Toronto: Zoryan Institute, 1997, 125pp.
German Responsibility in the Armenian Genocide: A Review of the Historical Evidence of German Complicity.
Cambridge, MA: Blue Crane Books, 1996, 304 pp. Text, xvi pp. Photos, Bibliography, Subject and Name Index.
Ulusal ve Ulusarası Hukuk Sorunu Olarak Jenosid
Yavuz Alogan, transl. [Genocide as a Problem of National and International Law]. Istanbul: Belge Publishers, 1995, 204 pp. Turkish translation of the 1989 monograph published by Yale Journal of International Law, cited under Legal Articles.
Haigagan Tzeghasbanoutiunu Khorturanayeen yev Badmakeedagan Kunnargoumnerov
[The Treatment of the Armenian Genocide by the [Ottoman] Parliament and Its Historical Analysis]. Boston: Baikar, 1995, 142 pp. In Armenian. Bibliography in English.
“The Armenian Genocide: Review of Its Historical, Political, and Legal Aspects,” University of St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy V, no. 1 (Fall 2010): 135-194. Also reprinted and distributed separately to law schools and university libraries in the US, Canada and Europe.
“The Armenian Genocide as a Dual Problem of National and International Law,” University of St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy IV, no. 2 (Spring 2010): 60-82. Also reprinted and distributed separately to law schools and university libraries in the US, Canada and Europe.
“The Armenian Genocide and the Legal and Political Issues in the Failure to Prevent or to Punish the Crime,” University of West Los Angeles Law Review 29 (1998): 43-78.
“The Armenian Genocide and the Evidence of German Involvement,” University of West Los Angeles Law Review 29 (1998): 79-122.
“The Historical and Legal Interconnections Between the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust: From Impunity to Retributive Justice,” Yale Journal of International Law 23, no.2 (Summer 1998): 504-559.
“Der Genozid an den Armeniern und das Völkerrecht” [The Armenian Genocide and International Law]. In Raffi Kantian, ed., Phönix aus Asche. Armenien 80 Jahre nach dem Genozid. Hannover: Carl Küster Publishing House (Deutsch-Armenische Gesellschaft), 1996, pp. 35-56.
“The Complicity of the Party, Government, and the Military. Select Parliamentary and Judicial Documents,” (Recently uncovered and obtained relative to the Armenian Genocide.) Journal of Political and Military Sociology 22, no.1 (1994): 29-96.
“A Textual Analysis of the Key Indictment of the Turkish Military Tribunal Investigating the Armenian Genocide,” Journal of Political and Military Sociology 22, no.1 (1994): 133-171.
“The Documentation of the World War I Armenian Massacres in the Proceedings of the Turkish Military Tribunal,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 23, no. 4 (November 1991): 549-576. [Republished in the Journal of Political and Military Sociology 22, no. 1 (1994): 97-131.]
“Genocide as a Problem of National and International Law: The World War I Armenian Case and Its Contemporary Legal Ramifications,” Yale Journal of International Law 14, no. 2 (Summer 1989): 221-334. Also printed separately with two Appendices and Bibliography, 134 pp.
“Preface.” In Heinrich Vierbücher, Armenia 1915. English transl. of Armenien 1915. Die Abschlachtung eines Kulturvolkes durch die Türken [The Slaughter of a Culture-Rich People by the Turks]. Ara Ghazarians, ed. Cambridge, MA: Blue Crane Books, 2005, pp. 1-8 (Published under the auspices of the Armenian Cultural Foundation).
“Einleitung.” In Wolfgang Gust, ed., Der Völkermord an den Armeniern 1915/16. Dokumente aus dem Politischen Archiv des deutschen Auswärtigen Amts [The Genocide of the Armenians 1915/16. Documents from the Political Archive of the German Foreign Office]. Hamburg, Germany: zu Klampen, 2005, pp. 1-15. (English edition forthcoming 2012).
“The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of the Armenians as Documented by Officials of the Ottoman Empire’s World War I Allies: Germany and Austria-Hungary,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 34, no. 1 (2002): 59-85.
“The Armenian Genocide in Official Turkish Records: Collected Essays of Vahakn N. Dadrian,” Special Issue of Journal of Political and Military Sociology 22, no.1 (Summer 1994): 208 pp. (Reissued with corrections, Spring 1995).
“Documentation of the Armenian Genocide in German and Austrian Sources.” In Israel Charny, ed., The Widening Circle of Genocide. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1994, pp. 77-125.
“Documentation of the Armenian Genocide in Turkish Sources,” in Israel Charny, ed., Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review. Vol. 2. London: Mansell; New York: Facts on File, 1991, pp. 86-138.
“The Naim-Andonian Documents on the World War I Destruction of Ottoman Armenians: The Anatomy of a Genocide,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 18, no. 3 (August 1986): 311-36.
“Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian Genocide,” Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, vol. 1. Detroit, New York, San Francisco, San Diego, New Haven, Waterville, London and Munich: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005, pp. 67-76.
“Atatürk, Mustapha Kemal Pasha,” Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, vol. 1. Detroit, New York, San Francisco, San Diego, New Haven, Waterville, London and Munich: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005, pp. 92-94.
“Impunity,” Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, vol. 2. Detroit, New York, San Francisco, San Diego, New Haven, Waterville, London and Munich: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005, pp.489-491.
“Talaat,” Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, vol. 3. Detroit, New York, San Francisco, San Diego, New Haven, Waterville, London and Munich: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005, pp. 1019-1020.
“Armenian Massacres (A Focus on the Armenian Genocide)” Encarta Encyclopedia, Microsoft Deluxe: Encarta Reference Library. (2002).
“Armenian Genocide: Court-martial of Perpetrators,” in Encyclopedia of Genocide, vol. 1. Israel Charny, ed. Santa Barbara, CA/Oxford, Great Britain: ABC-CLIO, 1999, pp. 87-89.
“Documentation of the Armenian Genocide in German Sources,” in Encyclopedia of Genocide, vol. 1. Israel Charny, ed. Santa Barbara, CA/Oxford, Great Britain: ABC-CLIO, 1999, pp. 90-93.
“Documentation of the Armenian Genocide in Turkish Sources,” in Encyclopedia of Genocide, vol. 1. Israel Charny, ed. Santa Barbara, CA/Oxford, Great Britain: ABC-CLIO, 1999, pp. 93-95.
[French language version of the last three entries may be found in Le livre noire de l’humanité. Encyclopédie mondiale des genocides. Paris: Privat. Bibliotèque Historique, 2001.]
Taner Akçam, Is There Any Solution Other Than a Dialogue? In Taner Akçam, Dialogue Across an International Divide: Essays Toward a Turkish-Armenian Dialogue. Cambridge, MA and Toronto: Zoryan Institute, 2001, pp. 1-30. (From Turkish).
Taner Akçam, The Genocide of the Armenians and the Silence of the Turks in Taner Akçam, Dialogue Across an International Divide: Essays Toward a Turkish-Armenian Dialogue. Cambridge, MA and Toronto: Zoryan Institute, 2001, pp. 75-101. (From Turkish).
Zarevand, United and Independent Turnaia: Aims and Designs of the Turks. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1971, 153 pp. Text, xxiii pp. Preface and Foreword Index. (From Armenian).
“The Prefiguration of Some Aspects of the Holocaust in Armenian Genocide (Revisiting the Comparative Perspective).” Genocide Studies and Prevention 3, no. 1 (2008): 99-109.
“The Armenian Genocide: An Interpretation.” In Huberta von Voss, ed., Portraits of Hope: Armenians in the Contemporary World. Trans. Alasdair Lean. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007, pp. 19-35.
“The Agency of 'Triggering Mechanisms' as a Factor in the Organization of the Genocide against the Armenians of Kayseri District.” Genocide Studies and Prevention 1, no. 2 (2006): 107-26.
“Patterns of Twentieth Century Genocides: The Armenian, Jewish, and Rwandan Cases,” Journal of Genocide Research 6, no. 4 (December 2004): 487-522.
“The Armenian Genocide: An Interpretation.” In Jay Winter, ed., America and the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 52-100. (Separate offprint by same press, pp. 1-52.)
“German Responsibility in the Armenian Genocide: The Role of Protective Alliances.” In C. Tatz, P. Arnold, S. Tatz, eds., Genocide Perspectives II. Essays on Holocaust and Genocide, Sydney: Australian Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 2003, pp. 79-125.
“Children as Victims of Genocide: The Armenian Case,” Journal of Genocide Research 5, no. 3 (September 2003): 421-427.
“The Signal Facts Surrounding the Armenian Genocide and the Turkish Denial Syndrome,” Journal of Genocide Research 5, no. 2 (June 2003): 269-279.
“Party Allegiance as a Determinant in the Turkish Military’s Involvement in the World War I Armenian Genocide,” Hakirah Journal of Jewish and Ethnic Studies 1, no. 1 (2003): 57-67.
“The 1894 Sassoun Massacre: A Juncture in the Escalation of the Turko-Armenian Conflict,” Armenian Review 47, no. 1-2 (Summer 2002): 5- 39.
“The Quest for Scholarship in My Pathos for the Armenian Tragedy and Its Victims.” In Samuel Totten and Steve Jacobs, eds., Pioneers of Genocide Studies. New Brunswick, NJ/London: Transaction Publishers, 2002, pp. 235-251.
“The Armenian Genocide within a Framework of Compelling Evidence” (Lecture at Harvard University, April 24, 2001). Cambridge, MA and Toronto: Zoryan Institute, 2002, 35 pp.
“The Executions of Some of the Perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide by the Ittihadists and Kemalists, 1915-1926,” The Armenian Weekly, April 13, 2002. Armenian Genocide 87th Annual Commemoration Special Insert.
“The Structural and Functional Components of Genocide and the Problem of Prevention.” In David Bankier ed., Festchrift for Yehuda Bauer. Jerusalem: Yad Yashem, 2001, pp. 84-94.
“Response to Robert Melson’s Review of German Responsibility in the Armenian Genocide,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 13, no. 2 (Summer 1999): 343-348.
“The Convergent Roles of the State and a Governmental Party in the Armenian Genocide.” In Levon Chorbajian and George Shirinian, eds., Studies in Comparative Genocide. London: Macmillan and New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1999, pp. 92-124
“The Determinants of the Armenian Genocide,” Journal of Genocide Research 1, no. 1 (1999): 65-80. Reprinted from Yale Center for International and Area Studies. Working paper. (1998).
“The Armenian Genocide and the Pitfalls of a ‘Balanced’ Analysis: A Response to Ronald Grigor Suny,” Armenian Forum 1, no. 2 (Summer 1998): 73-130.
“The Turkish Military Tribunal’s Prosecution of the Authors of the Armenian Genocide: Four Major Court Martial Series,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 11, no. 1 (Spring 1997): 28-59.
“Germany and the Armenian Genocide, Part II: Reply to Hilmar Kaiser,” Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 9 (1996-1997): 141-148.
“German Responsibility in the Armenian Genocide: The Role of the Protective Alliances,” International Network on Holocaust and Genocide 12, no. 3 (1997): 237 -278.
“The Convergent Roles of the State and a Governmental Party in the Armenian Genocide.” In Problems of Genocide: Proceedings of the International Conference on “Problems of Genocide,” April 21-23, 1995. Cambridge, MA and Toronto: Zoryan Institute, 1997, pp. 237-278.
“The Tripartite Edifice of the Holocaust and the Imagery of Uniqueness,” International Network on Holocaust and Genocide 11, no. 1-2 (April 1996): 13-17, 21.
“The Comparative Aspects of the Armenian and Jewish Cases of Genocide: A Sociohistorical Perspective,” in Alan S. Rosenbaum, ed., Is the Holocaust Unique? Boulder, CO: Westview Press (1996), pp. 101-135. (Also in the second edition, 2001, pp. 133-168.)
“Germany and the Armenian Genocide: A Response to Hilmar Kaiser,” Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 8 (1995): 143-150.
“The Secret Young Turk Ittihadist Conference and the Decision for the World War I Genocide of the Armenians,” Journal of Political and Military Sociology 22, no. 1 (1994): 173-201.
“A Review of the Main Features of the Genocide,” Journal of Political and Military Sociology 22, no. 1 (1994): 1-28.
“The Complicity of the Party, the Government, and the Military,” Select Parliamentary and Judicial Documents. Journal of Political and Military Sociology 22, no. 1 (1994): 29-96.
“Comment on Robert Melson’s Revolution and Genocide,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 8, no. 3 (Winter 1994): 410-417.
“The Secret Young Turk Ittihadist Conference and the Decision for the World War I Genocide of the Armenians,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 7, no. 2 (1993): 173-201.
“The Role of the Special Organisation in the Armenian Genocide During the First World War.” In Panakos Panayi, ed., Minorities in Wartime. Oxford/Providence, Berg Publishers, 1993, pp. 257-288.
“The Role of the Turkish Military in the Destruction of Ottoman Armenian: A Study in Historical Continuities,” Journal of Political and Military Sociology 20, no. 2 (1992): 257-288.
“Ottoman Archives and Denial of the Armenian Genocide.” In Richard G. Hovannisian, ed., The Armenian Genocide: History, Politics, Ethics. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992, pp. 280-310.
“The Perversion by Turkish Sources of Russian General Mayewski’s Report on the Turko-Armenian Conflict,” Journal of the Society of Armenian Studies 5 (1990-1991): 139-152.
“Towards a Theory of Genocide Incorporating an Instance of Holocaust: Comments, Criticisms and Suggestions,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 5, no. 2 (1990): 129-143.
“The Convergent Aspects of the Armenian and Jewish Cases of Genocide: A Reinterpretation of the Concept of Holocaust,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 3, no. 2 (1988): 151-169.
“The Circumstances Surrounding the 1909 Adana Holocaust,” Armenian Review 41, no. 4-164 (1988): 1-16.
“The Role of Turkish Physicians in the World War I Genocide of Ottoman Armenians,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1, no. 2 (1986): 169-192.
“The Anticipation and Prevention of Genocide in International Conflicts—Some Lessons from History,” International Journal of Group Tensions 18, no. 3 (1988): 205-214.
“The Bi-polar Structure of Nationalism: A Conceptual Approach,” Armenian Review 32, no. 4-128 (1979): 403-405
“The Victimization of the American Indian,” Victimology: An International Journal 1, no. 4 (Winter 1976): 517-537.
“A Theoretical; Model of Genocide with Particular Reference to the Armenian Case,” Sociologia Internationalis 14, no. 1/2 (1976): 99-126.
“Some Determinants of Genocidal Violence in Inter-group Conflicts—with Particular Reference to the Armenian and Jewish Cases,” Sociologus 26, no. 3 (1976): 130-149.
“On Oral Testimony and a Written Analysis of the Sociological Factors Involved in the Armenian Genocide before an American Congressional Panel, along with the Submission of a Set of Policy Recommendations,” in Hearings on Genocide, 94th Congress, Second Session. Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1976, pp. 6-21.
“An Attempt at Defining Victimology.” In Emilio Viano, ed., Victims and Society. Washington D.C.: Visage Press, 1976, pp. 40-42.
“A Typology of Genocide,” International Review of Sociology 5, no. 2 (1975): 201-212.
“Common Features of the Armenian and Jewish Cases of Genocide: A Comparative Victimological Perspective.” In Israel Drapkin, ed., Victimology: A New Focus. Vol. 4, Violence and Its Victims. Lexington, MA: D.C. Health and Co., 1975, pp. 99-120.
“The Genocide and its Retribution,” Menk (April 1975): 37-43.
“Structural-Functional Components of Genocide: A Victimological Approach to the Armenian Case.” In Israel Drapkin, ed., Victimology. Volume III. Lexington, MA: D.C. Health and Co., 1974, pp. 123-136.
“Methodological Components of the Study of Genocide as a Sociological Problem: The Armenian Case.” In Recent Studies in Modern Armenian History. Cambridge, MA: National Association for Armenian Studies & Research, 1972, pp. 83-103.
“Factors of Anger and Aggression in Genocide,” Journal of Human Relations 19, no. 3 (1971): 394-417.
“Cultural and Social-Psychological Factors in the Study of Survivors of Genocide,” International Behavioral Scientist 3, no. 2 (1971): 48-55.
“The Bi-polar Structure of Nationalism,” International Review of Sociology 7, no. 3 (1971).
“Almustanadat Atalmaniyeh wa Alnamsa Wooy Yah Alrasmiyah aan Almajazer Alarmaniyyah”(Official German and Austrian Documents Relative to the Mass Murder of the Armenians) Dr. Alexander Keshishian, transl., Aleppo (1997).
“Almasader Alturkiye wa Algharabiya Hawla Alnizam Alosmani we Aleebada Alourkia Lil Arman” (Turkish and Western Sources Relative to the Mass Murder Against the Armenians) D. Alexander Keshishian, transl., Aleppo (1997). Original English title: “The Ottoman Empire: Views, Comments, and Judgements by Noted Experts Worldwide.” Published by the Association of Genocide Scholars, Cambridge, MA. (1997): pp. 125.
“Hartzazurouytz Tzeghasbanaked Professor Vahakn Dadrianee Hed” (Interview with Genocide Expert Prof. Vahakn Dadrian) Horizon (90th Anniversary Special Review) Montreal (2005): pp. 5-7.
“Agnargner Haigagan Tzeghasbanoutian Maseen” (Reflections on the Armenian Genocide) Lecture delivered in Buenos Aires on November 14, 2003. Yerevan: Mayreni Publishers (2004): pp. 1-48.
“Hai yev Turk Yergkhosoutiunu” (The Armeno-Turk Dialogue) Droshak Quarterly vol. 32, no. 3 (June 2001): pp.43-52.
“The Documentation of the Armenian Genocide in Official Turkish Sources,” Mezinárodni Konference Arménská genocida (April 2006): 14-20.
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“Armenskiyat Genocid i Dokazatelstvah za Germanskoto Saouchastnichestvo” (The Armenian Genocide and Evidence of German Involvement) B. Mesrob, transl. Bourgas: Hayer Publishing House (2004): pp. 1-40. Originally published in University of West Los Angeles Law Review 29 (1998): 43-78, included in the section on Legal Articles.
“Origine et application du concept d’intervention d’humanité. Les enseignements tirés du génocide arménien.” Les Cahiers de l’Orient. Special issue on Histoire, Memoire et Transmission. 57 (March 2000): 21-42.
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“Role ‘Gurka’ Kak Factor v Osushetleyni Genozida Armyan V Pervuyu Mirabuyu Vuynu: Primer Okruya Kayseri” (The Agency of Triggering Mechanism’s as a Factor in the Enactment of the World War I Armenian Genocide: The Case of Kayseri District) Vestnik 3 (2005): 94-116.
“Turetsko–armiânskie otnosheniia v suete istoricheskikh i politicheskikh posledstvii genotŝida armiâna.” (Turkish–Armenian Relations in the Light of Historical-Political Consequences of the Armenian Genocide) Vestnik. Moscow. (2004): 18-48.
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“Las interrelaciones históricas y legales entre el genocdio armenio el holocausto judio: de la impunided a la justicia retributiva,” Indice. Revista de Ciencias Sociales 35, no. 22 (2004): 13-100. Originally in Yale Journal of International Law under the title “The Historical and Legal Interconnections Between the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust: From Impunity to Retributive Justice” 23, no. 2 (Summer 1998): 504-559, included in the Section on Legal Articles.
“Los factores communes en dos genocidios descomunales. Una reseńa de los casos armenio y judio,” Indice. Revista de Ciencias Sociales 35, no. 21 (2001): 17-93.
“Nationalism in Soviet Armenia—A Case Study of Ethnocentrism.” In George W. Simmonds, ed., Nationalism in the USSR and Eastern Europe in the Era of Brezhnev and Kosygin. Detroit, MI: University of Detroit Press, 1977, pp. 201-258.
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“Inter-Ethnic Conflicts in the Soviet Transcaucasus,” International Review of History and Political Science 6, no. 2 (1969): 79-92
“The Karabagh Issue,” Armenian Review 21, no. 3-83 (1968): 57-84.
“The Initial Development of the Soviet Posture on Nationalities: A Reappraisal of the Roles of Lenin and Stalin,” Indian Sociological Bulletin VI, no.1 (October 1968): 18-38.
“Sources and Signs of Nationality Unrest,” Problems of Communism 16, no. 5 (1967): 70-71.
“An Interpretation of the Address to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,” Armenian Review 20, no. 1-77 (1967): 64-78.
“The Events of April 24 in Moscow,” Armenian Review 21, no. 2-78 (1967): 9-26.
“Major Patterns of Social and Cultural Changes of Soviet Armenians,” American Philosophical Society 65 (1965): 375-379.
“An Appraisal of the Communist Formula ‘National in Form, Socialist in Content,’” Part I. Armenian Review 16, no. 3-63 (1963): 3-14.
“An Appraisal of the Communist Formula ‘National in Form, Socialist in Content,’” Part II. Armenian Review 16, no. 4-64 (1963): 3-13.
TRANSLATIONS from Soviet Armenian Intellectual-Activists
“National Vaingloriousness and National Self-Respect” (A speech delivered at the 5th Congress of the Union of Soviet Armenian Writers by Barouyr Sevag). Armenian Review 20, no. 3-79 (1967): 43-50.
“An Appeal to the Armenians Throughout the World” (An essay by Soviet Armenian poet Hovannes Sheeraz). Armenian Review 20, no. 3-79 (1967): 51-56.
“Who if Not Us and When if Not Right Now” (A speech delivered by noted Armenian writer Kevork Emin at the 5th Congress of the Union of Soviet Armenian Writers). Armenian Review 20, 4-80 (1967): 19-27.
“On Attaining a Medium-Range Image on National Character” (By Soviet Armenian editor of the literary monthly, Karoun, Vartkes Bedrosyan). Armenian Review 20, no. 4-80 (1967): 27-34.
“Correspondence” relative to a review of the book History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus, in Middle Eastern Studies 33, no. 3 (July 1997): 640-42.
“Genocide and Historiography,” The Middle East Journal 26, no. 4 (Autumn 1972).
“American and Soviet Society,” American Sociological Review 35, no. 4 (August 1970): 765-67.
“An Interview with Vahakn N. Dadrian: An Expert on the Armenian Genocide” (conducted by Prof. Harry James Cargas) from a Special Issue on Genocide. Issues, Approaches, Resources in Social Science Record, the Journal of the New York State Council, 24, no. 2 (Fall 1987): 24-32.
“The Cyprus Episode: Some Lessons from Turkish History,” Journal of Hellenic Diaspora 2, 1:36-2 (1975).
“The Relationship of Subcultures to Individual Motivations of Drug Use: A Review of the Case of Marihuana,” Annali Di Sociologia 7 (1971): 23-30.
“Affluence as a Key Factor in American Sociology,” International Review of History and Political Science 7, no. 1 (1970): 23-34.
“Recent Trends in Sociology in the U.S.A,” Annali Di Sociologia 6 (1969): 23-31.
“Kant’s Concepts of ‘Human Nature’ and ‘Rationality:’ Two Arch Determinants of an Envisioned ‘Eternal Peace,’” Journal of Peace Research 5, no. 4 (1968): 396-401.
“The Britannica on the Armenian Atrocities,” Armenian Review 22, no. 2-82 (1968): 57-64.